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Serge Demeyer / Publication (Details)

Last updated on Thursday, November 16, 2023

  author =        {Sander Tichelaar and Juan Carlos Cruz and
                   Serge Demeyer},
  institution =   {University of Berne},
  month =         jan,
  title =         {Coordination as a Variability Aspect in Open
                   Distributed Systems},
  year =          {1998},
  abstract =      {To deal with requirements such as distribution,
                   interoperability and evolution on rapidly evolving
                   platforms such as the World Wide Web, parts of
                   applications are increasingly packaged as components.
                   Encapsulating the coordination of these multiple
                   subsystems as generic components has proven
                   difficult, because typically coordination affects
                   multiple components and in open systems a whole set
                   of other requirements, such as interoperability and
                   security, must also be dealt with. We have
                   investigated coordina-tion as a variability aspect of
                   open distributed systems and we present concrete
                   solutions and limitations designing coordination
                   solutions as components. Our observations will help
                   developers to separate coordination from computation
                   and to develop open solutions for coordination in
                   distributed systems.},
  annote =        {techreport},

Serge Demeyer | Publications | E-mail Feedback